The Hearse Ride...
Saturday, August 08, 2009

I just about passed out earlier, ... either smoking, or drinking too much... but then it's Friday, WTF!!
I took a short walk around the neighborhood and met this cute guy ... What can I say?!?
Anyway, ..he's quite the talented organist, ...I'd rate him up there with Cameron,..but he's bi-polar... and well if you've been around people like that you know how it is!!
He's still playing the organ, ... he seemed rather enthused that I asked him to play, though I notice him ogle the I told him I lost the key, 3 years ago, but I had a digital piano,..he seemed upset,..Oh well!!
He's sure giving the Pioneer speakers I use for extension speakers a work out, but they can handle it!!
Does this mean you got ¨lucky¨ and hit the high notes?
I'm not telling!
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