The Hearse Ride...
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
The Artist in Me

For as long as I can remember I have been artistically inclined. I used to drive my Mom nuts drawing on everything (walls included), I still draw on walls, but I get paid for it now.
I get paid for painting cars, buildings, signs, name it, I'll attempt it!!
But unfortunately I get bored easily . . . I'm sure if I grew up now, I would be classified as ADHD, and be on all kinds of medication..speeders, ...and downers...HELL the fuck O!!!
It's no wonder A & E's show Intervention is so popular?!?
These Loosening (united) States are Fucked up!!
Show us some of your "painted on everything" art...I like that and I do it too...I stopped doing walls of places that I rented years ago...I didn't want them to get the added value (mostly) without paying for it.
Show us some of your "painted on everything" art...I like that and I do it too...I stopped doing walls of places that I rented years ago...I didn't want them to get the added value (mostly) without paying for it.
hey david,
i pounded on the walls with a litte plastic hammer that came in the cracer-jax. poor mom, she never did know what to do with me.
so yeah, along with LR, show us your graffiti!
I loved the graffiti in Montreal. It was "history", in a way; and they have finally learned how to "corral and preserve" the graffiti.
big huge blesssings and thanks to you!
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