The Hearse Ride...
Friday, August 08, 2008
Slow Cooker Din Din

Tonight is Kielbasa & Sauerkraut, in the crock pot, because I'm just lazy as fuck today,!!
I stuffed it full of carrots and potatoes, ...and if Granny can leave it alone for 6 hours it will be scrumptious,...but I fear she will mess with it as usual , and it will either burn, or not cook at all, because she will unplug it (usual scenario), use the toaster or something, ...even though the toaster has a dedicated plug.
More needn't be said,...she's a WHACK JOB!!
That dinner looks good...don't let Granny have it...put it in a thermocarton and brin it down to Central America (don't share any with Dahveed on the way in Mexico...he's so handsome he probably had lots of willing Kielbase & Sauerkraut providers)...remember non-stop!
LOL,...too late, it's 3/4 gone, but sausage is always on sale, and I'm always filling the freezer and pantry with goods(prices go up and down, so I stock up when stuff is on sale).
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