The Hearse Ride...
Sunday, December 07, 2008

Granny has finally vacated the living room and I'm still awake. She's driving me and my father wacko lately.
Lets see .... Friday or should I say early Saturday morning ... she woke up and she had the shits. Not a problem.....(take a pill and chill)
for most people ... and I enunciate people.
Granny called 911.
Nuff Said!!
I stayed in my room, ...praying that she would be chastised by the EMTs, and she was!!
They were nice about it, but firm.
They told her exactly what I told her, to take a pill and go to bed.
Sometimes you have to let people learn for themselves, The HARD Way (especially if they are a hard head), before common sense kicks in....assuming there is still some common sense left...
We haven't discussed it further.
You see, david, everyone knows each other and finds a way through the hard times. It's called "love."
I think I know this woman... hard head is kind of a mild term for it, don't you think?
So different than me...I´d be hiding from ANY Doctor and trying to self-medicate myself (even to the promised land)...I do visit the Dentist and the Dermatologist, I mean, some things ARE CRITICAL!
mild, ..but the sane way,..otherwise...BEDLAM!!
Try adding a pic of a 2008 Eclipse Spyder convertible, just for me.
Love ya, david..
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