The Hearse Ride...
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Turmoil in TEC.

I was roaming through YouTube tonight(last night), and ended up in the Episcopal search section, didn't finish it, it got rather nasty with BabyBlue posts. This person who goes by the name BabyBlue, is 46 years old, 3 years older than me. She must have grown up in
I cannot understand this Holier Than Thou conviction these so-called Anglicans have?? I mean where did these whack jobs come from??? I'm assuming, the deep south...but as usual I'm probably wrong. In fact ....most come from the mid-west??
Just when I thought it was a great time in my life to re-join the Episcopal Church, all this Bull Shit starts popping up. Well, that's just swell for those who live in lefty area's, but what about those stuck in areas that are mostly conservative?!? I'm at the point of just joining anyway, be Damned the conservatives, maybe I have something to teach them!! It's become almost an obsession with me. I don't want to drive 50 miles just to attend church, that's ridiculous, with gas prices the way they are, especially when, within the radius of 20 miles there are 4 Episcopal Churches to choose from. They can't all be ultra-conservative congregations. I know for a fact that the furthest one away has an open door policy. But what about the other 3? 1, in The Villages, claims to be orthodox....but what about the other 2. There is one in Belleview .... St.Mary's ...but I have yet to check them out.
I saved this earlier, and it lost half of it,..Fuck blogger!!
So I'll just publish what I have now.
BabyBlue is a Whack Job!!
As far as I'm concerned.
My father agree's with, and he's a refugee of a CANA parish!!
So NOW U know, why I am such a BITCH about CANA-cunt!!1
Hey, David,
It's me, Grace, from Father Jake's. I've lost track of your e-mail address in the middle of all those long threads. But, here's mine, As you can see my real given name is not Grace. :) It's actually Rebecca.
Anyway, thanks for volunteering to give me computer glitch related advice. Why do you think Blogger has suddenly rejected my password, and is there anything I can do about it, or do I need to start over. It's not a huge issue at Jake's, I guess. But, some of these blogs don't accept anon. postings. Of course, maybe it's all a sign that I need to spend less time on the net. (LOL)
David, I also want to say that I hope so much that you find an Episcopal church that works for you. We all need the love, encouragement, and support of other Christian believers. Don't let the hard-hearted sin and actions of others keep you from our Lord, or the church.
You're certainly in my prayers.
God bless!
Grace. (Becky)
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