The Hearse Ride...
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Dutch Oven Time

I decided to break in my new dutch oven which has been sitting in the cupboard since June of last year(2007). So I bought a rump roast last week when they were on sale and ...(it's taken me 26 minutes to write this because Granny can't seem to keep her YAP SHUT!!!!),
Anyway, it is almost 4#, which is large enough for 2 people + 7 cats give or take a And I have left over ingredients I must use up from other recipes, such as the tomato paste(from my chili-cheese concoction), chopped tomatoes(from the garden),potatoes about to turn, and of course carrots which I always have, then there is a rutabaga I bought to make Cornish pasties, which I didn't need, and onions galore, since I live on them or it seems. Garlic, fresh and the powdered variety, and of course celery, or Granny will throw a Hissy Fit(she's addicted to celery).
Too much black pepper...(not to me), Kosher Salt, and a few hours of waiting. In between that I'll have to make biscuits, if Granny doesn't make me just retreat into my bedroom for some PEACE, ...which sounds good right about now!!
David, I just linked to this post in our newest "Cast Iron Around the Web" at
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