The Hearse Ride...
Friday, May 21, 2010
I lost my mother due to cancer when I was 22, and I was her primary care giver at that time.
I just lost my Dad in February 2010 and I really don't need any more drama in that department.
Update:Well, nothing happened today because the idjut Dr.s in Ocala didn't send vital info to the Dr.'s in Gainesville. Wasted trip, wasted gas, wasted time!!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I'm increasingly feeling helpless, with no place to turn.
I'm tired of faking my way through life. JUST PLAIN TIRED!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know why I'm still here, because I'm nothing but a drain on other peoples finances, and without me here they would be so much better off!!
Monday, May 17, 2010
“The oil is creeping towards my home in Alabama as I write this, and it is breaking my heart.” « It’s Getting Hot In Here
This is a MUST SEE!!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
The Legacy of the Bush Administration
Monday, May 10, 2010
On With The Show

This blog has become redundant, but I'm not going to close it. I'll probably post pictures of those things that interest me but not much news, because I've become bored with it all, especially the religious Bullshit. I'm happy to stay in the fringe and keep my sanity, as opposed to listening to the non-stop excuses!!
So, ..on with the show!!